It’s been a long time between posts but I am a professional procrastinator.  Also, I’ve been sick.  I am tweeking this little worm fly.  It may have to have a couple of revisions but for now, this is the fly.


Materials needed:  a piece of 15# mono; a #4 jig hook; a wider than usual piece of rabbit fur strip; a small spinner blade; a metal bead; some contact cement.



Tying directions;

1.   on the skin side of the rabbit strip, coat with contact cement and let dry.

2.  Insert metal bead onto #4 jig hook; place hook in vice.

3. Place spinner onto mono, double mono; tie knot about 1/2 inch from the spinner; after cutting  the mono about an inch longer than the rabbit strip.  Wrap the mono onto the hookshank using tying thread of your choice.

4.  Take the rabbit strip and place carefully on the hookshank and center the mono on the rabbit strip.

5.  Gently fold the rabbit strip over the hookshank and over the mono, squeezing the  rabbit strip together, skin to skin

6.  If rabbit fur will interfer with the spinner, take scissors and shorten rabbit fur so that it will not interfer with spinner movement.

A loop knot connecting the jighook to the leader will give fly more action